
Best Opinion Essay Topic Ideas

List Of 101 Opinion Writing Topics Middle School Students Can Choose From

When searching for ideas for opinion writing topics, middle school students can become confused fast, what with the myriad of topics available to choose from. The right opinion essay topics for middle school should be simple enough to write and complicated enough to challenge students to put in the required effort. With these opinion writing topics, middle school students can experience both.

Below is a list of 101 opinion writing topics middle school students can choose to write about.

Opinion Essay Topics For Middle School

  1. What the job of the president should be
  2. The benefits of learning history in schools
  3. The downsides to learning history in schools
  4. Industries need to be more environmentally conscious
  5. Desertification is not as serious as we make it seem
  6. Mobile networks affect ecosystems
  7. Television shows are bad for children
  8. Friends are the most reliable support systems
  9. The family is the most important part of any society
  10. Social media help us reach people better
  11. Social media restricts us from reaching people
  12. Experience is the best teacher
  13. Schools should teach children to defend themselves against bullying
  14. Self defense classes should be compulsory in schools
  15. The positive effects of smartphones on middle school students
  16. The negative effects of smartphones on middle school students
  17. Punishments should be banned in schools
  18. Stricter discipline measures should be taken in schools
  19. Home-schooling is better than attending public schools
  20. Attending a public school is better than being home schooled
  21. The positive effects of video games on middle school students
  22. The negative effects of video games on middle school students
  23. GPA is not an ideal grading system
  24. Zodiac signs affect human behaviour
  25. Zodiac signs have no effects on human behaviour
  26. Paperback books are better than audiobooks
  27. Reading helps build grammar
  28. The right kind of diet for middle school students
  29. Television helps children build negative characters
  30. The media is controlled by the government
  31. Family is being neglected in the United States
  32. Should minors be allowed to have jobs?
  33. The media restricts the right to freedom of speech
  34. Should animals be used as test subjects?
  35. Is the government hiding news on alien existence?
  36. Is cross-breeding animals ethical?
  37. Most history subjects are unnecessary for modern school
  38. Is the government encouraging conspiracy theories?
  39. Children should be allowed to vote
  40. Parents should give their children more freedom
  41. Children know what’s best for them, not their parents
  42. Beauty pageants create unrealistic beauty standards
  43. Social media does more harm than good
  44. Schools should have play time for middle schoolers
  45. Teachers should patrol the cafeteria at lunch to curb bullying
  46. Students should be taught good communication skills in school
  47. Etiquette is a more relevant subject than history
  48. Does life exist on other planets?
  49. Online classes are better than physical classes
  50. Physical classes are better than online classes
  51. The advantages of driving an electric car
  52. The effects of hard drugs on children
  53. Children from broken homes have it worse
  54. Young people and phone addictions
  55. Informal education is better than formal education
  56. Formal education is better than informal education
  57. Should schools teach religion?
  58. Should children be betrothed?
  59. Should students be made to read more?
  60. Have indigenous people been wrongfully oppressed?
  61. Are trends harmful to young people?
  62. Is it cruel to chip animals?
  63. Should capital punishment be outlawed?
  64. Are all cops corrupt?
  65. Should middle schoolers be in relationships?
  66. Does a breakup affect academic performance?
  67. Should there be a different grading system?
  68. Good values should be taught is in schools
  69. Those smoking on school grounds should be strictly punished
  70. Young people should be allowed to go to parties
  71. Young people should not be allowed to go to parties
  72. Middle schoolers should always have chaperones
  73. Men are paid more than women
  74. Women are paid more than men
  75. Should individuals and private establishments own media outlets?
  76. Should the government control the media?
  77. Should middle schoolers have curfews?
  78. Middle schoolers should be given days off from school
  79. Special needs children are being neglected
  80. What is the best form of economy?
  81. Marijuana should be legalised
  82. Marijuana should be banned
  83. All schools should have counsellors
  84. All teachers should undergo mental health tests
  85. All students should take mental health tests
  86. Talented individuals should be encouraged
  87. is it wrong to own a gun?
  88. The internet is doing more harm than good
  89. Is it possible to be fair?
  90. Does good always win?
  91. How has history repeated itself?
  92. Do parents have favourite children?
  93. Boys and girls should be treated equally
  94. Are fantasy books ruining children?
  95. Should schools give more homework?
  96. Are teachers paid enough?
  97. Are teachers respected enough?
  98. Should everybody own a bike?
  99. Is cafeteria food healthy?
  100. Children should read age-appropriate books
  101. Is education important?

When choosing opinion essay topics, middle school students should look out for something that is both familiar or appealing to write about, and at the same time, challenging.

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